How much does PRP Hair Restoration cost?
A hair restoration with PRP procedure involves a certain amount of expense and depends on the complexity of the case. Rather than focus on a specific number, you should concentrate on selecting a physician with significant experience and whom you trust to give you the results you desire. Even if the price is higher, a physician with expertise may save you the time and cost of a revision procedure in the future.
What is the recovery like and when will I see my results after PRP Hair Restoration?
A series of three to four PRP treatments, scheduled four weeks apart, with maintenance sessions every six months thereafter is required for long-lasting results. Downtime is minimal with full return to normal daily activities the day following your treatment session.
Does Dr. Givens perform Surgical Hair Restoration including Transplantation?
Many patients are ideal candidates for non-surgical hair restoration, yet some require more invasive surgical options for optimal results. While her rigorous education and training encompassed the full spectrum of hair loss management, Dr. Givens does not perform surgical hair restoration including transplantation in her private practice.